Saturday, May 29, 2010

last days in KL

Im done with my degree now. It was on Monday actually.

I'm freeeeeeeee...

and we had photo-shoot session on Thursday with Dahnia, taking pictures of individuals for the Sequence 2010 booklet, 80 plus students. And after that we had really fun random shots of us fooling around.

Using my Canon EOS D350
well I'll let the pictures do the talking... :)

outdoor photoshoot using the natural sun light
SeoHun and me
me and Yoke Ying
me and Wendyme and Mike.Tme and JonTze Ling, me, Wan Hui and Man Yee
Some of my classmates for the pass 2 years

classic picture of usjumping high
our official photographer, Dahnia for our Sequence BookletUs restingThe IAD (Interior Architecture and Design)Action Time.. first time taking action shots with my camera
i love this picture so much.. the detailed of the expression is superbly wonderful
Mike can really jump..
myself..and I..looks like im relaxing.. :P
baby turtle freeze.. it's been a long time since secondary school..
and I can't believe i can still do it.. O.o
fly high.. i believe i can fly.. i believe i can touch the sky.. hahathey came really close to me and dahnia for this shoot..
boy they were scary cam whores haha
according to HuiShan, its father, mother and child..
and final shot of us.. :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm a week older now since my birthday.. ='(
Let me fill you in what happened during my birthday.

I had lunch in TGIF and they made me stand on the chair. It's some custom of theirs. And there I was standing there, he (the host) ask me to choose between ketchup and chili bottle, and I chose ketchup. The result was to sing a song. So I sang the ever famous "Nobody nobody but you", coz my mind was really blank at that time. Not sure what to do. And so I did some dance to it too haha.. And finally came with the speech.. I kept it real short! :P

So evening came, then so happen, my cousin's cell group had this thing called "cell harvest", so they had "bread" as their theme of the night. So we had different types of bread to eat!! kenyang betul!! and so happen, they had a cake which wasn't meant for me but for their monthly birthday celebration and so happen it happen to be my birthday, so we celebrated together and sang the birthday song together-gether!! :P

anyways, I would like to thank all those who wished me.
took me quite a while to print screen it. :)

notifications filled with birthday alerts

what a small world, Kiki shared the same birth-date as me.. :)
and some of my close friends who wished me..

and I can't believe that one of the BLA's contestant wished me..
Garry Holden..
and last but not least, friends from all walks of life...
friends of friends, college mates, school mates and ex-college mates, course mates and ex-course mates...
So I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. Many blessing in return! And also friends who wished me via sms and calls.. a BIG HUG!