Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I wanna go home

Not a single moment i dont think of my home, Penang.

i miss...

the food
mom's car (its hard to travel without it especially in KL)
friends (Mike, Ryan, Daniel.. my gurlfrens..Celina, Wan Ting, Priscilla, Sharon..)
my bed
the life in Penang (just doing my own thing)
not spending money (yes, i dont pay a cent in penang haha)
no assignments (KBU is for robots)
not doing chores
socializing (i really do now appreciate socializing)
watching movies wherever I want to
no responsibilities (which often gets me into trouble)
night life (haha not clubbing..just chill at mamaks for old time sake)
music youth camp (seriously i wish i can go every month)
my keyboard (apparently hehe..mike wud be happy to hear this) channel (its quiet in KL without it)
coffee bean, ananda, my fav kopitiam, sushi!!

Not forgetting KL life.. likes and dislikes
im gonna miss when i leave KL (LIKES) =D
my cousins
my freedom (without parents nagging me and monitoring every single move I make)
my big room (with air-con and the whole room to myself)
take my own sweet time doing things (without parents nagging me hehe)
waking up late and sleeping late (in Penang i have to wake up at 6am if i want to use the car which often i do need it)
24/7 access to free wireless connection

NOT gonna miss (DISLIKES)

assignments (again KBU are for robots)
being alone in my room (basically staring at the laptop 24/7.. yup thats my life in KL)
(i dont get it why KBU's dedicating their very sweet precious time doing stupid models and in the end of the day.. ur gonna throw it away.. not forgetting global warming.. I HATE IT SO MUCH... you stupid irritating system.. get a LIFE!!!)

having to walk from my house to Centerpoint to One Utama to KBU (sucks)
eating bread every single day
maggie mee (my so-called emergency food when I dont have time to cook a proper meal during rushing hour assignmen-sing!!)
crappy toilet that sometimes dont function well
oh yes! expensive KL expanses
the ridiculous RM6 per meal

what I learn (bring back to Penang and apply it)

to be responsible for my own actions
daily devotional (reading the Word)
my daily walk with God (in my own personal way)
to not be self-centered
love unconditionally
to battle my way through in hardship and not give up hope
socialising more often
talk more

basically i want to live a balance and healthy life. =D


mike said...

Yes yes!
Apperciate ur keyboard more!
good good
bagus :) :)

J.J.C said...

haha u shud be buying me a whole new set of keyboard with amplifier and a recording room keke...