Monday, April 20, 2009

My 21st Birthday

yes yes I've been waiting to turn 21 since few years back, when i discovered my purpose as a born again Christian. My life has been amazingly meaningful and blessed in so many ways. I had friends who supported me through my ups and downs. Without them I dont think i'll be here today!

So, I went back to Penang for my 21st Birthday celebration. I had seafood with family and close friends, thats how I wanted it to be. Simple and nice. Not to mention, dad bought me SLR camera!! though its a second hand, but i love it... coz its SLR!!! its good enough for me... Im so HAPPY, thanks dad... and Mike, Ryan, Daniel, Leo and Lim composed a birthday song for me as a present, coz they dono what to get me, but it was so sweet.. the best birthday present!!! quite cute la... thanks guys, HUGS... =D

later that evening after seafood, we (me, ryan, mike, christina and daniel) head down to PSC for couple of drinks, drank my favourite baileys..mmm.... then we head down to the dam for a walk, just park the car along side the dam and just talked... the sky was full of stars that night.. beautiful..=D

And the next day, I had sushi buffet with Mike and Ryan for free =D or i thought so =P... well it was a surprise.. =).. we ate about 29 pink plates and 6 green plates... thats a LOT..!! total 35 plates, plus udon noddles.. full to the max!!! and the best part is after sushi, we had new zealand ice-cream!! mmmm yummy... but mike only got to ate one tiny bite, coz he was at the ogawa, sleeping. =.=".... then me, ryan and daniel went coffee bean after that. The usuals..

thats 26 plates and 6 green plates

me and ryan taking a picture break..

going queensbay for coffee bean

ryan with his alien fluffy toy

mike with his nerdy toy

After coffee bean, we rushed back to pack our stuff for music camp!! head down to Shalom's anniversary. Then rushed back to music camp.. friday night at camp was nice too... i was able to catch up with the rest of them, chit chatting all the way...laughing my head off.. all thanks to leo and mike... and Lim's green face! XD.. we didnt sleep the whole night, stayed awake till about 7am, went out for breakfast... ate beehoon mee of all things.. LOL.. and slept after that till about late afternoon.. got up went out again to buy some grocery...came back ate dinner and worship...

killing me softly with cupcake.. =.=

christina joins in.. ='(

and after worship, there was another "surpr
ise"... the famous master mind Leo the hamtaro, sang the "sui cha bo" song and smash the pretty lil cupcake on my face..!!! =.=..... u wait LEO!! u will kena soon!!!!! after that, i had to chase everyone with the remaining cupcake on my hands, and smash it on them..Daniel was the first one(he was helping Leo at the time to smash cake on me), then ryan(he didnt know i was coming in front of him, and i just rub the cake on his face hehe), then mike (he was very innocently eating at that time), then adrian (on the neck) and then steven (on the hands) and lastly Leo, he was hiding, i waited for the enemy to come out of the room.. at last, he was in the toilet washing up, i smash him on the face!!! mission accomplish, i was satisfied LOL.. then i went and wash up....hmm after that, we just sat down and stayed up all nite chit chatting....drinking sparkling juice.. eating ice...and it was morning at 8am, i had to head back to the miserable KL life again.. ='(

The most important thing is I had fun during my birthday, I had 3 days straight of birthday celebration..!! I likey.. =D I'm lovin' it..

A big THANK U to u guys.... HUGS~~


theclaireychan said...


J.J.C said...

YAY.... u found me..~~

Anonymous said...

very christian-ize blog

J.J.C said...

haha thanks anonymous.. =D